Construction has developed policies to shape UC Merced's physical growth. They are used by campus administration, architects and designers to ensure campus projects support the long term vision for the campus.
Long Range Development Plan
The Long Range Development Plan is a comprehensive land use plan and a series of transportation, sustainability, and community design policies to guide campus growth.More...
Physical Design Framework
The Physical Design Framework provides more developed guidelines to inform the planning and design of district and individual projects.More...
Design Standards
The Campus Technical Design Standards support the policies and guidelines established in the Long Range Development Plan and Physical Design Framework and incorporate lessons learned from many years of construction on UC Merced Campus.
Environmental Review
Physical and Environmental Planning leads UC Merced's compliance efforts under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and federal environmental laws. The 2009 LRDP EIR was approved by the Regents in March 2009 and covers campus development and expansion. More...