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Bid Process

The Planning, Design & Construction Management department manages the construction, and retrofitting of campus buildings and their surroundings.  

We administer the design agreement and construction contract process in compliance with the California Public Contract Code and University of California policy.

UC Merced conducts:

  • Formal Competitive Bidding for construction projects valued above $640,000 via public advertisement 
  • Informal Competitive Bidding for construction projects valued between $50,000 and $640,000 and
  • Either informal competitive bidding or negotiatied contracting for construction projects valued at less than $50,000, as allowed by Code and UC Policy. 

Bid Openings

For information on bid openings, delivery process and deadlines please contact:

Sara Anastos

Requests for Qualifications/Requests for Proposals

The University issues RFQs and RFPs for a variety of design and construction projects. Commonly, an RFQ is used to develop a short list of the most qualified development teams to compete in the RFP Phase.

For certain more specialized projects where there are a limited number of qualified entities all of whom are known to the University, it may be appropriate to issue an RFP to those entities, saving the RFQ step.